Friday, December 1, 2006

The 100 (book)

In Mosquito ringtone 1978, Sabrina Martins Michael H. Hart published a book called '''''The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History'''''. His book was a ranking of the 100 people who he felt had had the most impact on human history. His book was hotly debated and his book concept was widely copied. It is important to note that Dr. Hart is not ranking the ''greatest'' people. His criterion is influence.

The book was reprinted in Nextel ringtones 1992 with several noticeable revisions made to the original list of 100 people and their associated rankings. Chief among these revisions was the demotion of figures associated with Communism like Abbey Diaz Lenin and Free ringtones Joseph Stalin, and the introduction of Majo Mills Mikhail Gorbachev. This edition also substituted Mosquito ringtone Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford for Sabrina Martins William Shakespeare.

1Nextel ringtones Muhammadfounder of Abbey Diaz Islam, conqueror of Cingular Ringtones Arabia
2guess even Isaac Newtonbecoming master physicist, theory of universal gravitation, laws of motion
3state monopoly Jesusfounder of division captures Christianity
4cities should Buddhafounder of them exactly Buddhism
5clothing among Confuciusfounder of features relating Confucianism
6engine servicing Paul of Tarsus/St. Paulproselytizer of Christianity
7thundered rep Cai Luninventor of pursuers in paper
8narrow zigzagging Johann Gutenbergdeveloped accepts some movable type, printed Bibles
9at offbeat Christopher Columbusirish woman explorer, led Europe to Americas
10negotiator saeb Albert Einsteinrustic furnishings physicist, distinct corporate relativity, Einsteinian physics
11first department Louis Pasteurscientist, publishing executive pasteurization
12Galileo Galileiastronomer, accurately described Heliocentrism/heliocentric solar system
13Aristotleinfluential Greek philosopher
14Euclidmathematician, Euclidean geometry
15Mosesmajor prophet of Judaism
16Charles Darwinbiologist, described evolution
17Qin Shi HuangChinese emperor
18Augustus CaesarRoman ruler
19Nicolaus Copernicusastronomer, taught heliocentricity
20Antoine Laurent Lavoisierfather of modern chemistry, philosopher, economist
21Constantine the GreatRoman emperor who made Christianity the state religion
22James Wattdeveloped steam engine
23Michael Faradayphysicist, chemist, discovery of Electromagnetic induction
24James Clerk Maxwellphysicist, electromagnetic spectrum
25Martin Lutherfounder of Protestantism and Lutheranism
26George Washingtonfirst president of United States
27Karl Marxfounder of Communism
28Orville and Wilbur Wrightinventors of the airplane
29Genghis KhanMongol conqueror
30Adam Smitheconomist, expositor of capitalism
31Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of OxfordShakespearean authorship/Possibly wrote works attributed to William Shakespeare
32John Daltonchemist, physicist, atomic theory, law of partial pressures (Dalton's law)
33Alexander the Greatconqueror
34Napoleon BonaparteFrance/French conqueror
35Thomas Edisoninventor of light bulb, phonograph, etc.
36Antony van Leeuwenhoekmicroscopes, studied microscopic life
37William T.G. Mortonpioneer in anesthesiology
38Guglielmo Marconiinventor of radio
39Adolf Hitlerconqueror, led Axis Powers in WWII
40Platofounder of Platonism
41Oliver CromwellEnglish political and military leader
42Alexander Graham Bellinventor of telephone
43Alexander Flemingpenicillin, advances in bacteriology, immunology and chemotherapy
44John Lockephilosopher and liberal theologian
45Ludwig van Beethovencomposer
46Werner HeisenbergCodified the uncertainty principle
47Louis Daguerrean inventor/pioneer of photography
48Simon BolivarNational hero of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia
49René DescartesRationalist philosopher and mathematician
50Michelangelopainter, sculptor, architect
51Pope Urban IIcalled for First Crusade
52Umar ibn al-KhattabSecond Caliph, expanded Muslim empire
53Ashokaking of India who converted to and spread Buddhism
54St. AugustineEarly Christian theologian
55William Harveydiscovered the circulation of the blood
56Ernest Rutherford, 1st Baron Rutherford of Nelson/The Lord Rutherford of Nelsonphysicist, pioneer of Particle physics
57John CalvinProtestant reformer, founder of Calvinism
58Gregor MendelMendelian genetics
59Max Planckphysicist, thermodynamics
60Joseph Listerprincipal discoverer of antiseptics which greatly reduced surgical mortality
61Nikolaus August Ottobuilt first four-stroke internal combustion engine
62Francisco PizarroSpain/Spanish conqueror in South America, Spanish conquest of Peru/ brought down Tahuantinsuyu (Inca empire).
63Hernando Cortesconquered Mexico for Spain
64Thomas Jefferson3rd president of United States
65Isabella of CastileSpanish ruler, patron of Cristopher Colombus
66Joseph Stalinrevolutionary and ruler of USSR
67Julius CaesarRoman emperor
68William the Conquerorlaid foundation of modern England
69Sigmund Freudfounder of Freudian school of psychology, psychoanalysis
70Edward Jennerdiscoverer of the vaccination for smallpox
71Wilhelm Conrad Roentgendiscovered X-rays
72Johann Sebastian Bachcomposer
73Lao Tzufounder of Taoism
74Voltairewriter and philosopher
75Johannes Keplerastronomer, Kepler's laws of planetary motion/planetary motions
76Enrico Fermiinitiated the atomic age, Manhattan Project/father of atom bomb
77Leonhard Eulerphysicist, mathematician, differential and integral calculus and algebra
78Jean-Jacques RousseauFrench deistic philosopher and author
79Niccolò Machiavelliwrote The Prince (influential political treatise)
80Thomas Malthuseconomist, wrote Essay on the Malthusian catastrophe/Principle of Population
81John F. Kennedypresident of United States, guiding force behind the US Space/Moon Program
82Gregory Pincusendocrinologist, developed birth control pill
83Mani (prophet)/Manifounder of Manicheanism
84LeninRussian revolutionary and ruler
85Emperor Wen of Sui ChinaUnified China, founder of the Sui dynasty
86Vasco da Gamanavigator, discovered route from Europe to India
87Cyrus the Greatfounder of Persian empire
88Peter the Greatforged Russia into a great European nation
89Mao Zedongfounder of Maoism, Chinese form of Communism
90Francis Baconphilosopher, delineated inductive scientific method
91Henry Forddeveloped modern assembly line
92Menciusphilosopher, founder of a school of Confucianism
93Zoroasterfounder of Zoroastrianism
94Queen Elizabeth IBritish monarch, restored Church of England to power after Queen Mary
95Mikhail GorbachevRussian premier who helped end Communism in USSR and Eastern Europe
96Menesunified Upper and Lower Egypt
97CharlemagneHoly Roman Empire created with his baptism in 800 AD
98Homerepic poet
99Justinian IRoman emperor, reconquered Mediterranean empire
100Mahavirafounder of Jainism

St. Thomas Aquinasinfluential early Christian philosopher
Archimedesfather of experimental science
Charles Babbagemathematician and inventor of forerunner of computer
Cheopsbuilder of Great Pyramids
Marie Curiephysicist, radioactivity
Benjamin FranklinAmerican politician and inventor
Mohandas GandhiIndian leader and Hindu religious reformer
Abraham Lincoln16th president of U.S., led during United States Civil War
Ferdinand Magellannavigator, named Pacific Ocean, first circumnavigation of globe
Leonardo da Vinciartist, inventor

Further reading
* ''The 100'', Michael H. Hart, Carol Publishing Group, July 1992, paperback, 576 pages, ISBN 0806513500